Discover How The Golden Skill could become your
main source of income this year

This Skill will make you from $1,000 to $1,500 every single week in 3 Months

No Experience Required

0 Risk /30 DayMoney Back

Instant Access


Just Replicating The Same Strategy

That Made Me Over 10 Million Dollars In My Last 4 Years

If you say yes to at least 1 so it is
Do you want an alternative source of income to your current job?
You would like to not have a CAP on the amount of money you can earn each month
You would like to be able to work from anywhere in the world
Would you like to finally own your time?
You want to be solely responsible for the money you earn each month
Would you like to have a predictable way to earn more money or multiply the money you already have?
It’s my Personalized beginners training where I will teach you the same skill and strategy that has allowed me to generate +10M in the last 4 years.

So you can generate from $1000 to $1500 every week by learning The Most Profitable Skill Ever on 3 Netflix Style Documentary Chapter.

Class #1

Discover how The GOLDEN SKILL gave me +4 MILLION USD In last 4 Years and how it’llhelp you achieve the same results.

Class #2

In just 45 minutes, you will learn and replicate my strategy that has made ME all my money, just like my friend Jordan Welch did in this class.

Class #3

It's time to apply everything you have learned and start earning $1000 to $1500 USD each week with ME as your mentor.


I will give you one of my ninjas that I personally train on a daily basis to make sure you learn and master the Golden Skill, and you can ask him whatever you need.


I compiled and summarized my 6 years of experience making money with the Golden Skill, along with my mistakes and successes, and turned it into a WORKBOOK with practical exercises so that you can apply them in real time and start making money with the MOST PROFITABLE SKILL EVER.


You will have a one-on-one master meet with my right-hand man, where together you will create your scaling plan to accelerate your process and start earning

In addition, I will give you the opportunity to join my private community, to have me as your mentor, and to share with you every week the same trades that I make all my money with.

from $1000 to $1500 USD every week.

We skip the typical boring workouts with little results and give you personalized support.

While you watch the classes, you will have a personalized tutor assigned to you and personally trained by me, to help you earn $1000 to $1500 usd each week.

We make it easy to leand and master the world’s most profitable skill in just 3 steps all in less than 6 hours .

Step 1

Study the 3 classes of training

This will take less than 3 hours

Step 2

Putting my strategy into practice until you learn how to make money with it

Jordan Welch did it in 45 minutes

And earn $1000 to $1500 each week with the same strategy that has made me over 10 million in my career in less than 6 hours.
Earn more and more money, while working less and less
Start earning money
(from $1000 to $1500 each week) 🤑
Practice until you master my strategy and become profitable
Learn the same strategy that made me +10M in the last 4 years
Learn how the Golden Skill works
Step #1
Step #2
Step #3
Step #4
Step #5
The dream of being able to live life on my own terms and that money would not be an impediment to it and at that time I embarked on a career in the world of trading...

My first 4 years can be summarized in 14 hour days in front of the computer, frustrated by the lack of results more than 25 thousand USD in losses, which was all the money I had managed to save up to that point in my life and with a job I hated at the Dunkin Donuts...One day all this started to change little by little and I managed to discover the strategy that has allowed me to earn more than $10 million in my trading career, my Set And Forget Strategy...

The last few years of my life have been a lot of fun and I have been able to enjoy financial freedom, however this eventually starts to become boring, because you feel like you've already played the game.

And just this year I planned to focus on my biggest professional goal to date, to make my students bill more than 10 million dollars in 2024 by applying my Set And Forget Strategy.

And that is my new objective, now I will not be in front of the screen for 14 hours a day looking for profitability for me, I will be doing it for my students...

I'm Alex Gonzales and this is my new dream and I want you to be part of it...

The dream of being able to live life on my own terms and that money would not be an impediment to it and at that time I embarked on a career in the world of trading...

My first 4 years can be summarized in 14 hour days in front of the computer, frustrated by the lack of results more than 25 thousand USD in losses, which was all the money I had managed to save up to that point in my life and with a job I hated at the Dunkin Donuts...One day all this started to change little by little and I managed to discover the strategy that has allowed me to earn more than $10 million in my trading career, my Set And Forget Strategy...

The last few years of my life have been a lot of fun and I have been able to enjoy financial freedom, however this eventually starts to become boring, because you feel like you've already played the game.

And just this year I planned to focus on my biggest professional goal to date, to make my students bill more than 10 million dollars in 2024 by applying my Set And Forget Strategy.

And that is my new objective, now I will not be in front of the screen for 14 hours a day looking for profitability for me, I will be doing it for my students...

I'm Alex Gonzales and this is my new dream and I want you to be part of it...

Earn more and more money, while working less and less
Start earning money
(from $1000 to $1500 each week) 🤑
Practice until you master my strategy and become profitable
Learn the same strategy that made me +10M in the last 4 years
Learn how the Golden Skill works
Step #1
Step #2
Step #3
Step #4
Step #5
The dream of being able to live life on my own terms and that money would not be an impediment to it and at that time I embarked on a career in the world of trading...

My first 4 years can be summarized in 14 hour days in front of the computer, frustrated by the lack of results more than 25 thousand USD in losses, which was all the money I had managed to save up to that point in my life and with a job I hated at the Dunkin Donuts...One day all this started to change little by little and I managed to discover the strategy that has allowed me to earn more than $10 million in my trading career, my Set And Forget Strategy...

The last few years of my life have been a lot of fun and I have been able to enjoy financial freedom, however this eventually starts to become boring, because you feel like you've already played the game.

And just this year I planned to focus on my biggest professional goal to date, to make my students bill more than 10 million dollars in 2024 by applying my Set And Forget Strategy.

And that is my new objective, now I will not be in front of the screen for 14 hours a day looking for profitability for me, I will be doing it for my students...

I'm Alex Gonzales and this is my new dream and I want you to be part of it...

The dream of being able to live life on my own terms and that money would not be an impediment to it and at that time I embarked on a career in the world of trading...

My first 4 years can be summarized in 14 hour days in front of the computer, frustrated by the lack of results more than 25 thousand USD in losses, which was all the money I had managed to save up to that point in my life and with a job I hated at the Dunkin Donuts...One day all this started to change little by little and I managed to discover the strategy that has allowed me to earn more than $10 million in my trading career, my Set And Forget Strategy...

The last few years of my life have been a lot of fun and I have been able to enjoy financial freedom, however this eventually starts to become boring, because you feel like you've already played the game.

And just this year I planned to focus on my biggest professional goal to date, to make my students bill more than 10 million dollars in 2024 by applying my Set And Forget Strategy.

And that is my new objective, now I will not be in front of the screen for 14 hours a day looking for profitability for me, I will be doing it for my students...

I'm Alex Gonzales and this is my new dream and I want you to be part of it...

Frequently Asked Questions

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Distinctio ad,dicta odit veniam iure neque illum ex libero,exercitationem sunt soluta quos nulla alias ducimus possimus officiis minus mollitia quo!

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Lorem ipsum dolor,sit amet consectetur,adipisicing elit. Odio sint id quaerat atque quae quos architecto debitis. Velit quidem maiores inventore similique culpa ab sed corporis exercitationem,magni quasi eius?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Natus officia atque,recusandae dolores aut modi similique quam laudantium impedit obcaecati iusto mollitia commodi quos id error quisquam vero enim dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate.



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“Now, every trade I take is based on structure, and that’s what gives me confidence in my setups. If you don’t understand market structure, you’re basically gambling."


"My main goal now is to move my mom into a house she owns instead of renting. That’s my motivation for everything I do."


"You don’t need money, you don’t need time, you just need the skill set. If you get the skill, you can do whatever you want."


“I decided to invest in a course and commit to learning the strategy properly. I told myself, ‘If I’m going to do this, I need to take it seriously,’ and that’s exactly what I did."

The foreign exchange market and currency trading is highly speculative in nature and as such, currency prices may become extremely volatile. You may sustain a total loss of your funds. Foreign exchange trading carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Always consult a financial professional before making any investment decisions. It is possible you will sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Individual results vary and no representation is made that you will or are likely to achieve profits or incur losses comparable to those that may be shown. You acknowledge and agree that no promise or guarantee of success or profitability has been made between you, and Swing Trading Lab LLC and/or Alex Gonzalez. For further information, please review our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Risk Disclosures. CFTC RULE 4.41- Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, including but not limited to, lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general, are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those depicted on the website. 2023 © All rights reserved. Swing Trading Lab - Thegoldenskill